Caver Radio Information

Paul R. Jorgenson KE7HR
NSS 39382FE

KE7HR QRP Portable - Sometime in the 1900's - beard now much more gray.

I started going underground as a child.   When the family would go on trips, I always tried to get caves involved in the trip.   We saw many commercial caves and a few wild caves. Later, as a young adult, I took up the horribly dangerous practice of going into abandoned gold mines, but lived through it.   Serious caving has been part of life since about 1991.   I hooked up with the Central Arizona Grotto in 1994 because of ham radio (ask me the story).

I have always had an interest in electronics.   I was a licensed CB operator in 1974 (you needed a license then) and did installations of transceivers and antennas for a shop in the small town I grew up in.   Building electronic projects grew into wanting to build transmitters, so I became a licensed amateur radio (ham) operator in 1983.   My Novice call was KA7PGP.   I upgraded to Technician Class and General Class by having to take the test at the FCC office (a far cry from the volunteer testing of today) in 1984 and had the call N7FXQ.   My current call, KE7HR, was issued in 1986 when I upgraded to Advanced Class and continues today with my 2006 upgrade to Amateur Extra Class.   I have been involved in emergency communications as a Team Lead for the King County ARES (Washington), have a VHF contest award, and have always enjoyed portable and emergency power operations.   I taught Novice courses when I was the President of the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club and have taught Technician level courses for the entry level ham.

   Better caving through electrical stuff!

The Section logo and motto, Better Caving Through Electrical Stuff, which first appeared in SPELEONICS 1, was presented in it’s color form in SPELEONICS 22.

The logo on the right was modified by Paul from that proposed by Steve Reames for the Survey and Cartography Section, which, in itself, was inspired by the International Caver Symbol. Steve’s logo was presented at the NSS 2002 Convention in Camden, Maine.

Radio Caver tee shirts are now available in many different colors!
Radio Caver bumper stickers, too!
Click Radio Caver Stuff to order.

Portable and Emergency VHF Antennas you can build.

AC Mains Timed Controller for battery charging and other timing needs.
(appeared in SPELEONICS 26)
Five Crystal VXO for the SSB Radio Project.

80 Meter VFO
185 KHz Ferrite Antenna
Automatic Dark Detector
(appeared in SPELEONICS 24)
Cheap Field Telephone
(appeared in SPELEONICS 23)
Electronic Bat Simulator
(appeared in SPELEONICS 22)
Radio Phraseology

Radio Design Programs by KE7HR

Here are a couple of VERY simple programs that I use to help design radios and antennas.  They are all for the Windows operating system.  They have been run on Windows 98, XP, and 2000.  If you run them on Vista, let me know how it works.

   LCFcalc calculates an inductance, in microhenries, and a capacitance, in picofarads, given a frequency in Megahertz.  Different values of L (inductance) and C (capacitance) for a given resonant frequency can be tried - maybe to fit something that is in the junk box and waiting for a project!

   LC2F takes values of an inductance, in microhenries, and a capacitance, in picofarads, and gives the resulting resonant frequency, in Megahertz.   It is kind of the inverse of the program LCFcalc but the only output variable is the frequency.   LC2F allows the user to quickly change the value of either the inductor or the capacitor and see the resonant frequency after that change.

      Reactance L and Reactance C calculate values of reactance for inductors (L) and capacitors (C) for given frequencies.   This is easier than punching the numbers into a calculator!

   CoilCalculator calculates how much inductance is possible with a single layer winding (no core or insulating core).  This program takes the coil diameter and coil length and the number of turn per inch of wire to calculate the inductance.  A handy pull down list for wire gauges helps to design close wound coils, but you are not limited to close wound, just enter the turns per inch for your winding.  The latest version (22 October 2006 - V1.2) output shows the calculated inductance, number of turns of wire, and length of wire for the coil.  I have included a PVC Schedule 40 Pipe Table pull down list in the program with common sizes.  PVC Schedule 40 Pipe Table is the PDF version of the information about my favorite large coil winding forms.   If you are using wire coated with something other than thin varnish (magnet wire) then make sure to take into account the extra thickness of the insulation in the size of the coil diameter.

   SWR Calculator, given forward and reflected power.   If you do not have a calculating SWR meter, but rather a directional power meter and you cannot find your nomograph or remember the formula, then this little program is for you!   Put the forward and reflected power values in the appropriate boxes and view the result.   The SWR value will be displayed in a green box if the value is 2.0 to 1 or less and a red box if the SWR is greater than 2.0 to 1.   Most modern transmitters work the best (don't fold back power output or burn up...) when the SWR is less than 2.0 to 1.

No computer?   A "rule of thumb" : the reflected power should be no more than 10% of the forward power.   This will give you 1.9 to 1 (or less).

   RF Safety Calculator is a program to calculate specific values for amateur radio station RF safety evaluation.

This is a main beam power density estimation program intended for use as part of a routine evaluation of RF safety compliance with FCC regulations. Amateur Radio operators licensed by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America are required to do a "routine evaluation" of the strength of the RF fields around their stations, subject to certain exemptions. These rules can be found in the FCC's ET Docket No. 93-62. More information can be found at the RF Safety page.

This program uses the formulas given in FCC OET Bulletin No. 65 to estimate power density in the main lobe of an antenna, with use of the EPA-recommended ground reflection factor as an option. This program is intended for approximate far-field calculations. It may overestimate the actual field strength of high-gain antennas in the near field (within several wavelengths of the antenna.) However, it may also underestimate the strength of fields that may be encountered in hot spots in the near field. No computer program can predict where wiring or reflective objects may create hot spots in your particular installation.

This is a Visual Basic program written by Paul R. Jorgenson, KE7HR, and placed in the Public Domain. This program has been derived directly from a public domain BASIC program written and published by Wayne Overbeck N6NB in the January, 1997 issue of CQ VHF, p. 33.

   SimpleCounter helps to count turns on a coil or anything else. I find it useful to press the count button each time a wire passes through a torid core to keep a ringing telephone or whatever other distraction might come along from messing up my count!

   UnitConverter takes values in one unit (pico to Tera) to another unit (pico to Tera). I use it all the time to convert pF or nF capacitor values to uF or uH inductors to nH.

   KE7HR_Misc_Spreadsheets is a collection of some spreadsheets that help with calculations that did not warrent a full VB program. Check out the graphic to see if any of them might be of interest. This is a ZIP file with all of them included.

These programs are without an installation program. Just save the program and use it. The Visual Basic programs and may require additional program libraries (DLL's) which can be downloaded from the internet or else email me and I can turn out an installation program for them. It is just that these programs are less than 100 Kb in size and the installation package gets to be over 1 Mb (bloat!). Most modern computers, of the PC (Windows) world have all of the files installed so that these run with out problem - up to Windows 10.

If you find any of these programs useful, and feel uncomfortable about using them for free, please email me and we can discuss PayPal and the price of Belgian beer...

Repeater Links

Arizona Frequency Coordination Committee

IRLP Project

IRLP network status

Ham Class Notes

"Magic Circle" Formula study guide. Not really magic, it's physics.

KB6NU General Class Study Guide

Ham Radio Related Files

S Units Chart vs. Power

Ham Radio Related Links

American Radio Relay League
Member since 1983.

Amateur Qestion Pools - All Classes
Ham Radio Practice tests Practice Exams

AA9PW Practice Exams

Find a real test!

VE Testing Search - ARRL

Morse Code training

G4FON Koch Software recommended highly.

AA9PW Online Practice works quite well.

FCC Amateur Radio Service page   Change adddress and such.
FCC regulations

Part 97 Rules from the GPO.

ARRL rules page

KE7HR recent APRS postion from May need to search for other KE7HR-*

QRP.POPS site mirror here.

After 15 years of posting very thoughtful and relevant experiments, with photos and schematics and testing procedure and MORE, Todd Gale VE7BPO took down his website. Many issues factored into his decision. A snapshot compilaton of the site was done and a mirror of that file is here. Be advised that this large file is about 38 MB in size - you have been warned! There are many links in the PDF document that point to files which were on the website that do not work in this document. Please be happy to have what is saved here for reference and do not dispair over the lost files! Make any gaps in the presentation a reason to go forth and learn the topic to fill in for yourself! Build, do, share if you can. What is here is by permission of VE7BPO.

QRP and SWL Homebuilder file (LARGE FILE) by VE7BPO.

Hans Summers G0UPL QRP-Labs &npsp WAY cool QRP stuff! Highly RECOMMENDED!
Mini VNA antenna network analyzer.   A great tool (but not cheap...).
Mini VNA Yahoo Group for more information.
KD1JV QRP Radio website - one of the masters of QRP!
Dan's Small Parts and Kits has thousands of great parts.

Paul's Email.
Remove the "at at" and replace with the @. Sorry, this is my attempt at limiting spam.

Paul's Home Page

Updated: 10 November 2017
Copyright 2005-2017 by Paul R. Jorgenson